Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Personal approach to your child’s party

We have already discussed how to entertain children during the party and this is very important. At the same time, there should be some other mechanisms and your own personal tricks which will make the children’s party unforgettable and the guest of honor grateful to you for this extraordinary party!

Start with the invitations and see to it that they should reflect party theme! It is even better to create invitations on your own, involving your child in this mysterious action. In such a way they’ll be more personal, reflect your mood and will sat your guests to the positive expectations! Taking into account, that this time our guests are children, decorate your invitations and add them some unusual design.

Choose a tune or soundtrack, which will correspond to the theme of your party. It is not difficult to find anything connected with beautiful girls, football or basketball etc. But this soundtrack will add your child’s party more grandeur and your guests more impressions and memories for the future! Don’t forget to give each your guest-child a copy of it – what if they want to remember this great holidayJ?

Another nice project – making pictures with the guests. You may do it in such a way: each guest should pose with the guest of the honor at the beginning of the party. And while your guests are entertaining themselves, you can print the pictures and put them in a frame! The frames may (it is even desirable) correspond to the party theme. When going home each of your guests will take his/her picture!

It is nice when you have some decorations connected with the theme – it will make your guests feel more at ease and enjoy themselves in full!

Don’t forget to say Thank You, but do it in your own personal way. Again it may be a note with the words of gratitude for having come to the party and presented the guest of honor with such a lovely thing!!! (It is essential to mention that you really like the present!)

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